
Monday, January 2, 2012

The Flow of Money

I finished this in November of 2011 as a response to what I've been seeing in this country over the last few years. We are becoming a more and more unequal society where those at the top grow more powerful and wealthy by the day while the rest of us struggle against one another in our slow burn into obscurity and chaos. While we work ourselves into the grave our money trickles up to those who have more than they know what to do with... They buy politicians, companies, countries, elections, and luxuries the rest of us can only dream of or imagine.

This is not a statement against those at the top, its merely an observation of what seems to be going on... The money keeps flowing to the top in greater and greater quantities. We are divided by religions and politics and other labels that seek to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while those in power grab even more. I feel its a reflection on our society and how we've come to value money over humanity.

Words like Socialism are vilified while even the most vile celebrities are admired and worshipped. It is a sad reflection of our values in this country. I hope this mentality will change over time as we begin to recognize that those we've admired and followed have only lead us down a path that enriches them at the expense of our own lives.

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