
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I have been doing more experimenting lately. Playing with ink and water and seeing what happens when you let go a little more... Its like trying to control the chaos. This idea started when I was re-inking one of the abstract cities and I noticed there was a vibration to the way the lines interacted. The faded line against the newly inked one... So I decided to push the idea and these are the results. I like the second one in particular though they both have that richness I love about ink. I think the rhythm of the second one is more pleasing as well.

I want to do another one but reversing the way I did the inking, so more wild lines in the buildings up close and more sedate muted lines for the buildings in the distance. I am also thinking this idea might be interesting for the new 2 point perspective cities I've been starting on... I think it would just give them a more chaotic lived in feeling having that intense line work going on. The first one I did was more controlled in terms of line and shape while I played loose with the paint.

For the next one, I'm going to let it all get out of control and see what happens.

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