Building my website has not been easy... nor has getting an art career off the ground when you've got ZERO name recognition. I have the support of friends and family and I tell myself that is all I need but there is an intense pressure building in my head. I feel behind on everything... I'm still not even sure what this is going to be and writing a post like this seems a little foolish. I guess I just need to write right now to make sure I'm still building on this idea and not letting it fade into the noise that seems to be clouding my thoughts lately.
I got some work up in Stage 3, its the first time my work has been in a public place and instead of being a relief, I find it nerve wracking... I don't know why... I am supposed to be working on another project for a show in May and another in June. I feel so distracted... My aunts just left town and while it was great to see them and have them around it is difficult being displaced and productive at the same time...
So time keeps on slipping and I'm feeling more neurotic by the second. I need to get some pictures framed by tomorrow. I think the ones I want to frame are finally ready, I spent all last week finishing them up and I want to get them framed so I have something for the local gallery.
After I've got those framed and ready to go I'm going to start work on the first of what I hope are many childrens books... well, just regular books packaged for children haha. Gene is writing and I will illustrate. I am really excited cause the stories he has a good and I think I will do them justice.
I have 3 oil paintings I need to finish by the end of the month. Why? Cause I just need to haha. I want to make sure I'm free to work on the upcoming projects. I don't know why but I feel better writing this... Sometimes I think I forget to be patient with myself.