
Monday, May 14, 2012

This is it, don't get scared now!

My brother and I find ourselves quoting Home Alone far too often for adult males... Yet somehow this quote seems oddly relavent. I just participated in an art walk having quite a few of my paintings up. Its the first time for me and feels like a pretty huge milestone. Finally putting work out for public consumption.

Now comes the process of fighting every internal instinct to withdraw myself to safety. I tend to seek refuge in times of stress and the last few days have been full of it. I'm trying to focus on the next task at hand. The Alley Art show. 

This Friday, more art, more exposure, more stress and more pressure... I'm nearly finished with my pin and know a few hours a day this week will get me where I want to be... So, breath deep, focus on what lies ahead. This really feels like its the beginning. All the work up until now has been to get me to this point...

And here I am... This is it, don't get scared now ; )